Tag Archives: popsicle

Dulce de Leche Mango Yogurt Pops

Dulce de Leche Mango Yogurt Pops * Once in a Blue Spoon

Happy Popsicle Week! I made these Dulce de Leche Mango Yogurt Pops to celebrate!

What is popsicle week you ask? Only the best blogging event there is! It was started by Billy, of Wit read more

Red, White, and Blue Popsicles

Red, White, and Blue Popsicles * Once in a Blue Spoon

Happy Memorial Day Weekend and thanks to all who have served! I have the perfect patriot red, white, and blue popsicles to help you celebrate!

While I love store bought popsicles these homemade red, white and blue popsicles are made with real fruit read more

Strawberry Coconut Margarita Popsicles

I made popsicles! With tequila!

Earlier this summer I bought a cheap popsicle mold when I was browsing through a kitchen store and I have most definitely gotten my money’s worth. I started with simple fruit juices or homemade creamsicles (OJ + read more