Cold Brew Iced Coffee

Once upon a time I didn’t like coffee. When I look at this picture I don’t understand how that was possible.

Cold Brew Iced Coffee with Caramel * Once In A Blue Spoon

Sure, in college I would order the occasional mocha, caramel macchiato, or other sugary delicious drink from the coffee shop on campus, but plain coffee? No thanks. It wasn’t until I spent a semester in Argentina that I realized coffee could actually be delicious on its own (it wasn’t until grad school that I was unable to be a functioning human without coffee…).

Cold Brew Iced Coffee with Caramel * Once In A Blue Spoon

Early this summer I discovered cold brew coffee for the first time (thanks Starbucks #basic), started making it at home, and have made it every week since. I’ve always preferred iced coffee beverages over hot (unless it’s cold enough for there to be snow on the ground it’s a pretty safe bet it’s iced coffee in my travel mug in the morning), so cold brew is a great (and easy) was to ensure a smooth, flavorful coffee every time.

Cold Brew Iced Coffee with Caramel * Once In A Blue Spoon

All you do it put some coffee and water in a jar and let it sit in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Seriously, that’s it. I use a big mason jar so I can make enough for a week. I also use a nut milk bag so filtering the coffee is much easier than waiting for the liquid to drip through a filter (I’ve done it this way in the past but I’m far too impatient, if you have more patience than me feel free to forgo the bag, you can also use a french press if you have one). Added bonus, you can make this body scrub with the used grounds, it seriously makes your skin sooooo smooth.

Cold Brew Iced Coffee * Once In A Blue SpoonNormally I drink my coffee black, but a few weeks ago Christina from one of my favorite blogs, Dessert for Two, posted a recipe for salted caramel sauce that I knew would be AMAZING in my morning cold brew. It did not disappoint!

Cold Brew Iced Coffee * Once In  A Blue Spoon

Bottom line, you need cold brew in your life.

Cold Brew Iced Coffee * Once In A Blue Spoon



Cold Brew Iced Coffee
Smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
24 hr
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
24 hr
  1. - 2 cup ground coffee (I use a medium grind)
  2. - 8 cups filtered water
  3. - ice
  4. - milk and caramel sauce* if desired
  1. - Place the coffee into a large jar (or in a nut bag inside of a jar)
  2. - Pour the water over the coffee
  3. - Put the lid on the jar and shake
  4. - Store the jar in the fridge and let sit for at least 24 hours
  5. - Filter the coffee
  6. - Serve over ice
  7. - Add milk and caramel as desired, I drizzled the caramel onto the sides of the glass, and added an extra spoonful for good measure
  8. - If not adding milk or caramel you may want to dilute with water, as cold brew is more concentrated than regular drip coffee
  1. * I used this recipe { } for the caramel sauce
Once In A Blue Spoon

Cold Brew Iced Coffee * Once In A Blue Spoon







2 Responses to Cold Brew Iced Coffee

  1. Yay! This looks fantastic! I’m glad I could make your morning a little sweeter 🙂

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